Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What is Grief Anyway?


It starts with change....and loss.

Change is a normal part of life for everyone – whatever our age. It comes along in all sizes and for lots of reasons.

Some changes can be positive ones and we’re glad they’ve happened. They can improve life for us. Other changes can go by and we hardly even notice them or how they affect us.

But some changes can be really tough. They can mean we end up with situations that we don’t want. They can mean we lose something or someone, or lose having things the way we’re used to them being. This kind of loss can turn our lives upside down, stress us and take lots of getting used to.

Children and young people often find difficult change like this especially confusing, unsettling and scary. They can do with all the support and understanding they can get – especially when the changes and losses prove hard for them to adjust to. It could be all kinds of life situations.

The thoughts, feelings and reactions we experience when we’re faced with change and loss - whatever our age - are known as...grief.

Grief reactions are the ways we express the feelings and thoughts we have that a change or loss can cause. Grief is a natural, normal human response. It’s also the way we gradually adjust our lives to the reality of what’s happened – whatever that might be.

Everyone grieves differently. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to experience grief. There’s no secret ‘method’ that will take your grief instantly away. There are no ‘rules’. There is no set timetable. Grief isn’t a test. Grief isn’t a race or a competition.

And while it might be hard to believe, it does slowly get easier to handle.

What helped you most when you were grieving a loss?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this - grief is certainly harder than I thought it was going to be.